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21+ Contract Templates For Freelancers (Designers, Consultants, and Entrepreneurs)

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Being a freelancer gives you the time and flexibility to work for anyone, but also exposes you to nonpayment, legal issues, and an unethical working relationship with your client. To avoid all these, you need a freelance contract to protect your interests.

Many freelancers overlook the need for a legal document and jump into the job under the impression that the clients are too busy, or it may scare the client away. So, it can look right to skip all business 'formalities,' but trust me; it doesn't always go that way, especially if you are building your freelance business long-term.

A freelance contract protects your working relationship, eliminates nonpayment issues, and gets you and your client on the same page about the services rendered and expected.

What is a Freelance Contract Template?

A Freelance Contract is a legal document or written agreement between you and your client, establishing the agreed terms, tasks, and working conditions you both agreed on. It allows you to protect your interest and can also be used in court if one of the requirements isn't met by the client.

But wait a minute! I don't have the time to start swimming in an unending pool of business jargon and contract-writing tasks! I know, and I've got you! Here are 21 Freelance Contract Templates that you can easily purchase, tweak and send to your clients. They come in varieties such as termination agreements, terms, and conditions, etc., and for various freelance projects.

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21 Top Freelance Contract Templates

1.Independent Contractor Contract Template

If you are working temporarily for a company or employer, you need them to sign an independent contractor contract template to protect you, your work, and payment from issues. Two attorneys have reviewed this particular template to ensure its quality and ensure it includes all the necessary sections in the right vocabulary.

It includes sections such as a Purpose agreement, clearly defined terms, a late fee clause, payment terms, intellectual property rights, and much more. So, whether you are a freelancer offering any service or an independent contractor, this freelance agreement template is for you.

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2. Client Termination Agreement for Coaches

There are times when a working relationship isn't just going well, and the best thing to do at that point is to terminate the coaching agreement. However, you must do that with a legal termination agreement to avoid getting into legal trouble. Therefore, you need a termination agreement that is specifically designed for coaches.

Not just any termination agreement, but one that covers everything, such as whether you will be providing a refund, what to do if there are outstanding payments, and clarity about using all your intellectual properties when the relationship is over. It also includes other legal stuff that keeps you and your business safe.

This template is excellent for coaches of all categories, from personal development coaches, marketing coaches, fitness coaches, speaking coaches, mentors, etc. 

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3. Terms & Conditions & Privacy Policy for Your Website

People are constantly worried whether their private information is being stolen and used on the dark web. Also, they want to ensure that sensitive information, like their credit cards, medical reports, etc., is kept safe. There is no better way to reassure your customers that your website has their best interest at heart than terms and conditions & Privacy Policy Templates.

You don't need to go through the stress of writing one; you can purchase this template and tweak it to your personal brand.

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4. Assistant Coach Contract Template

Are you a coach that needs an assistant coach to take care of some of your coaching classes or mastermind? Or are you an assistant coach who wants to protect their interest with a potential client? If yes, then this template is for you. It is a 2-in-1 template that includes a contract template for a client hiring an assistant coach and an assistant coach taking up a new client.

It considers everything you'll need to ensure your assistant coach is the right fit and does their job well.

The template covers the services expected from your assistant coach, payment plans with suggested dates, intellectual property rights, and other legal stuff.

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5. Virtual Assistant (VA) Contract Template

Being a virtual assistant is a great way to break into the creative industry, and it is one service most business need. Regardless of how nice your client is, it is better to have a formal contract that protects both parties involved. This freelance contract template is for virtual assistants taking up new clients and comes with all the basic requirements.

You have a concise payment plan outline, project and service details, a confidentiality clause to protect your trade secrets, and other necessary sections such as intellectual property rights, disclaimers, etc.

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6. Brand Collaboration & UGC Creator Contract Template

You will understand the frustration of working with brands as a UGC creator. These brands can decide to change their terms anytime and force you to make corrections over again. You have to avoid all the unnecessary pain and drama and get your Brand collaboration and UGC Creator contract ready. This template was created by a UGC creator. Therefore it includes everything that may cause issues between you and the brand.

It includes an outline of the service you are rendering, a section that outlines what happens when there is late delivery from the brand, payment plan, intellectual property rights, etc.

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7. Wedding Photography Contract Template

Being a wedding photographer requires a lot of patience and regular doses of 'Calm down... don't lose it' with a sprinkle of an awkward, frustrated smile. What is even more frustrating is dealing with stubborn clients who are not ready to treat you well. So, what do you do to prevent Uncle Bob from turning the terms around? It is getting a Wedding Photography Contract template.

This freelance contract template is perfect for wedding photographers. It includes a model release, late fee clause, payment plan, copyright rights, etc.

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8. Photography Bundle

Are you a freelance photographer that does different photography like weddings, portraits, photo editing, and the like? Or do you run a photography agency and need different contracts to cover your photography needs? Well, you don't have to worry about that again.

The photography bundle covers all the necessities. It comes with

  • Wedding Photography contract template

  • Portrait Photography contract template

  • Photo Editor contract template

  • Stock Photo or Commercial Photography template

  • Independent contractor template

  • Terms & Conditions and GDPR-Compliant Privacy Policy Template

  • Non-Disclosure Agreement

  • Separate Model Release, and

  • Print Release

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9. Workshop or Conference Speaker Contract Template

Are you speaking at a conference, or are you hosting one? If yes, you need a contract that protects your interests or the interests of the other speakers coming on your stage. This is a template specifically designed for speakers, and it comes with the necessary requirements such as an outline of the responsibilities from both parties, confidentiality clause to protect the trade secrets, intellectual property ownership, a disclaimer or release in case anything happens, and other legal issues that have to be attended to.

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10. LLC Operating Agreement Contract Template

Running a limited liability company with other partners is a great idea; only if one of the partners decides to leave or misbehave, there won't be any rule or written agreement binding them if you don't have an operating agreement contract. So, ensure your business has the best contract with this LLC Operating Agreement Contract Template approved and edited by an attorney. It comes with all the necessary legal issues that need to be attended to. It comes with a disclaimer section and a terms and conditions section that explains everything your partners need to know about the business.

related article: 13 Best Photography Contract Templates To Keep Your Business Safe
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11. Agency Agreement Contract Template

As an agency, your clients are essential and must be treated well to get great reviews. However, these clients come in different shapes. To ensure that both the easygoing clients and the opposite all understand your services, responsibilities, and theirs, you need a concise agency agreement contract.

This template outlines your responsibilities, payment methods, termination clause, and the like. Doing things will protect both interests and ensure the best services are rendered to the client. All you need to do is to send it over to your clients for signature.

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12. Equine Photography Contract Template

Are you a badass equine photographer that delights in taking pictures of horses? If yes, then this is for you. Protect your interest and brand yourself as a pro with an Equine Photography Contract Template. Carefully designed by an equine photographer and revised by attornies, this template has all you need to keep your working relationship healthy with your client.

It includes a list of services you offer, picture rights, confidentiality clause, model release for your clients, late fee clause and conditions, etc. You have all you need with this masterpiece.

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13. Blogger Disclaimer Template

Many bloggers have experienced accusations from readers due to specific information or interaction with affiliates. Therefore, it is always necessary to ensure that your audience knows how to perceive your content, use it, and interact with it. This is important to avoid any legal issues and also a bad reputation. Nevertheless, you must get the wording right and pass out a concise disclaimer; that is why you need this great Blogger Disclaimer Template. It includes an affiliate disclaimer and an earning disclaimer.

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14. Website Designer Contract Template

Website Designers usually have to deal with demanding clients at some point in their careers. If it isn't a client that ghosts you now and then, it is a client that wants to change everything in the design. Ensure you establish boundaries and set out expected expectations about your services before commencing work. One way to do that is through a well-written Website Designer Contract. This particular contract highlights all the important information, such as payment plans, intellectual property rights, service and project details, late payments, revisions, etc.

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15. Graphic Design Contract Template

Graphic Designers also have their share of demanding clients. As graphic designers, it is essential to establish boundaries, especially regarding the number of corrections you will be offering. Also, payment plans and methods, including deliverables, must be well highlighted in your contract. You don't have to worry about all this because the Graphic Design Contract Template covers all these sections. Your clients can understand your services, payment plans, deliverables, late fee plans, confidentiality, and other boring legal stuff that needs to be addressed. This template is perfect for graphic and digital product designers.

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16. VIP Day Contract Template

Various packages come with freelancing your services, one of which is VIP day. This is where you get to help your client one-on-one for the whole day. However, things can quickly turn south if the service isn't well-defined. Ensure you let your client know your VIP day package and when it terminates before jumping on board to avoid an entitled client who demands your attention every day of the week. VIP Day Contract comes with a service section where you clearly outline your services, terms, conditions, etc.

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17. Podcast Guest Contract Template

Being a podcast guest or having a guest featured in your podcast is exciting but may be an issue if there are no defined boundaries. Ensure your guests feel comfortable when coming to your show by handing them a Podcast Guest Contract to sign. On the flip side, the host may be the one to sign the contract. The contract contains the necessary information such as confidentiality clause, responsibilities, etc.

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18. Commercial or Stock Photography Contract Template

Ensure your efforts and work is protected and yields the best profits with a commercial or stock photography contract. Let your client understand that all photos can only be used based on the agreement signed by both parties. This helps prevent reselling your work, or licensce issues.

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19. Affiliate Program Terms

Getting affiliates for your products or services can yield a lot of results in the long run. However, you must ensure that these affiliates properly handle your products, and do not secretly market the products as their brain child. This contract contains all the terms and conditions that must be obeyed by each affiliate who comes on board.

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20. Coaching Contract Template

Are you about to take on another client needing coaching and dedicate hours and energy to see them grow? Brilliant! Nevertheless, ensure that your interest and hard work are duly protected and well understood by the client by handing them a coaching contract to sign. It includes all the necessary sections like the service outline, terms, and conditions, payment plans, a termination clause in case unplanned incidents happen, etc.

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21. Graphic & Web Designer Bundle

If you run a design agency, this is a gold mine. This bundle has all you need for new clients coming in. You won't have to purchase an additional template, if you get this all in one pundle. It comes with

  • A graphic designer contract template

  • A Web designer contract template

  • Independent contractor template

  • Terms & Conditions and GDPR-Compliant Privacy Policy Template, and

  • A non-disclosure agreement.

How Do I Write A Contract As A Freelancer?

Writing a freelancer contract is a challenging task to take on, but it can be achieved. There are different ways to develop a freelance contract.

  1. Write it yourself: If you have the spare time to develop a professional freelance contract, nothing stops you. All you need is to do the necessary research and go through some writing process. I will also highlight how to go about it. However, if you are a busy freelancer and want to avoid indulging yourself in navigating your way around business jargon, then the other option is for you.

  2. Purchase a Freelance Contract Template: The easiest way to get a badass freelance contract is to purchase one. These templates, like the ones listed above, were designed by professional writers with the requisite experience; therefore, they contain everything you need. All you need to do, if you want to do it, is to make a few tweaks, and you are good to go. The alternative is free freelance contract templates on the internet, which are good but may not be customized to your needs. So, rather than go for a free freelance contract template that requires a lot of editing, you should go for a personalized and specific contract template for your industry.

related article: 31+ Best Coaching Website Templates.

How To Write A Freelance Contract

When writing a freelance contract, the first thing you must do is perform adequate research. You must know the type of freelance contract you are writing. Is it a non-disclosure agreement for confidential information, an entire freelance contract that covers all the essential information, a podcast guest contract, etc.?

Contact information: The first thing you want to start with is the names. Both parties' full names should appear at the beginning, and their contact information, such as their address, phone number, and email, should also be included. Also, ensure you have the date of the contract.

Define Project Scope and Role: The next thing is to outline the project details. What is the project about, and what is your role? Ensure to list the deliverables you are expected to provide and the necessary information you will need from the client. Also, include the deadline for each deliverable and your responsibilities if required.

Define Your Revision Policy: As a freelance writer, photographer, or designer, clients usually come back for revisions; therefore, it is important to outline the number of revisions you offer and how you will go about each revision. Doing this will help you avoid unnecessary work.

Explain Payment terms: This is an essential part of your contract. Ensure you let the client know

  • How you want to be paid: Do you want a deposit before commencing work? How much should the deposit be?

  • Exact Amount of payment

  • Form of payment: Electronic or Cryptocurrency

  • Time of payment: Should it be monthly, daily, or weekly? Do you want a specific day in the week?

 Ownership and Copyright issues: Ensure you establish clear ownership transfer. It should be clearly stated if you and your client agree that they own the work.

Termination Conditions: At what point or conditions can either party terminate the working relationship?

Confidential Information: If you are working with confidential information, the client may want a termination clause that forbids any information from going public

Signature: Last but not least is the signatures of both parties.

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Do I need a contract as a freelancer?

Yes. You need a contract as a freelancer. A written agreement highlighting the terms and conditions of the job and the project details protect your freelance work and working relationship with the client.

It serves as a reference guide: Beyond protecting your interests, a freelance contract is a reference guide for your client in the case of confusion. They can check out the document and better understand what you agreed to offer. Also, you can refer them back to the freelance contract when they tell you to do something out of the work scope.

It gives you Immunity against unethical working relationships: Having your own freelance contract template containing the payment terms establishes a healthy working relationship and reduces the risks of nonpayment issues. You can take the document to court if they ask for legally binding agreements.

Gives your business a professional look: A mistake many freelancers make is not seeing their freelance job as a business. Having a freelance contract ready for each potential client makes a good first impression and gives you leverage to establish apparent authority.

What does a freelance contract look like?

Good freelance contracts usually contain essential information that binds the freelancer and client together and outlines the working terms. Here are some of the important sections in a typical freelance agreement contract.

However, you must remember that there are different freelance contracts depending on the freelance projects and the working conditions. Some of these contracts include

  • Non-disclosure agreement

  • Non-compete agreement

  • Formal agreement

  • Statement of work, etc.

  • Introductory statement: This is usually the first part of a freelance contract agreement, and it introduces both parties and gives an overview of what to expect in the working relationship. It allows both parties involved to know who they

  • Terms and Conditions: Everything you want the client to know about what you want in return should be highlighted here. This section must be clear and concise to avoid confusion from both ends. This is also a place to state your intellectual property rights and payment terms if necessary. Depending on the freelancer contract and the project scope, the terms and conditions may be another contract template.

  • Project Details: As the name implies, this section should cover the project details. The hour of work to be rendered, the number of deliverables, the number of revisions/corrections for freelance writers, and everything you and your client have agreed upon. This shows the client that you understand the project scope, and fulfilling all the requirements in this section means you are liable for payment.

  • Copyright: This is where you establish ownership of your work, except you are trading the right to your client. If so, you must set clear ownership transfer to your client after certain conditions have been met.

  • Legal: This covers all the legal information that protects you in case of an unexpected incident. Having a legal section in your contract is important.

  • Payments: A vital section in your contract is the payment section. Here, you establish payment terms and any other necessary allowances. Information such as payment for working hours should be highlighted if you are working hourly.

  • Termination: Never overlook a termination clause section. Outline the necessary conditions that may require termination for either party.

  • Signatures: The signatures of both parties make the entire contract valid. Therefore, have a clear section of the signatures.

There is room for other sections depending on the type of contract both parties are operating on. Therefore, this is the basic outline of what your contract template should contain, but it isn't limited to this.

Is 1099 considered a contract freelance?

No. Not at all. A 1099 form is a tax form aimed at documenting the payments made by an individual or employee who isn't necessarily your employer. These forms are usually sent to your client by the Internal Revenue Service to fill out and then sent back to you and the IRS after filling. Therefore, it is a means of documenting payment for taxes rather than necessarily protecting your services or payment.

1099 cannot be considered a freelance contract and should not be treated as such.

Protect Your Business With A Freelance Contract Template Now!

Nothing pains more than working hard for a client's business and not getting paid for all your hard work. So, it is always best to avoid nonpayment issues, and one way to prevent it is through a freelance contract template. I have listed the best freelance contract templates you can purchase and use immediately. It includes an independent contractor agreement, terms, and conditions contract, termination contract, etc.

What are you waiting for? Download any of these templates and protect yourself and your business!