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Custom Squarespace Website Design for a Writer

Let’s face it. Beyond writing, you need an online presence that captures your uniqueness, skills, experience, and personality– you need a professional website that sets you apart from other writers. 

Although you are good at carving words together to form captivating stories, designing a website may be a challenge, but it is necessary. Therefore, having a custom Squarespace website designed for you is your best option.

Imagine having a professional, aesthetically pleasing website that captures your brand, career, and personality and sets you apart as an authority in your field. Visitors and potential clients can land on your website to learn more about you, find out about your accomplishments, and book your services. Imagine a website that helps you communicate your mission, vision, past works, and unique personality.  

All these are possible when you work close to a designer who understands the assignment and can come up with a website custom-made for you. A website that doesn’t look identical to any other website on the internet. 

If you are still trying to decide whether Squarespace is the best website builder for you, read this article on Squarespace for Business.

Custom Squarespace Website Design for Nicole Mirchandani

Looking for a custom website design for your business? Explore our Squarespace Web Design packages for a stunning website. Need to enhance your site's visibility? Our Squarespace SEO services are here to assist you. Curious about our work? Take a look at our Squarespace website designer portfolio for some inspiration!

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Client Overview 

Nicole Mirchandani is a booming woman with two beautiful girls and a lover of pets who expresses herself and her values through words. She has a creative eye for words and can come up with captivating stories that communicate with the readers. Beyond being a mother and writer, she is moved by the passion for empowering women. She creates stories that help women to be heard, and she inspires women of different caliber through fictional writing. Having been in the corporate world for more than 20 years, working in marketing and product management, she is the founder of a consulting business that advises startups. If Nicole is not writing, she is either volunteering or catching up with her latest series.

The Problem

Nicole is a successful woman with a consulting business and an impeccable writing career. Still, she needed a virtual home where everyone could feel welcomed and find out more about her. She wanted a custom Squarespace website for her writing career. A website that highlights her writing skills and gives it purpose and meaning. A professional, mature, and modern website that captures her essence and communicates her values without trying too hard. However, she wanted to keep things simple but stunning. 

The Process

Interview - Gathering Information

The first thing we did was to have an interview with Nicole and find out what she truly wanted because the aim was to translate her ideas into realities. Upon interaction, we realized that she needed

  • A simple yet stunning website that talks about her writing career

  • Her mission and her writing niche must be well-highlighted 

  • She is free-spirited and loves to empower women.

  • She is working on a new book, Chasing Unicorns. Therefore, a newsletter where visitors can get notified when the book drops need to be included on the website. 

Gathering all this information, we realized the best thing Nicole needed was a simple and aesthetically pleasing website that talks about her as a writer. We also found out what she won’t be needing. Since she isn’t offering any services, there won’t be a need for a service page and a blog page, except if she decides to expand her reach. 

Now that we know what we are dealing with, it is time to find out who her competitors are and what they are doing right. 

Competitor’s Analysis

Nicole is an exceptional writer who empowers women through her stories. She is also a business consultant who advises startups. Her competitors are specifically writers who write to empower women. Employing various tools and research, we were able to find out her top competitors and carried out competitor analysis. Some of the information we were looking for is

  • The website’s layout 

  • The main keywords they were ranking for 

  • The brand’s style and tone 

  • Website weaknesses, etc. 

We analyzed both the weaknesses and the strengths and realized that 

  • The competitors' About pages are well written

  • Most competitors' websites don’t have a mission, or if there is one, it is too long and time-consuming. 

  • There can be improvements in the aesthetics of the competitors' websites.

Finding out these weaknesses and strengths will help in the design process and let us know what to avoid, reiterate, or pay attention to. 

Visual Design and Solution 

Nicole wanted a simple yet stunning website. Therefore, I decided to avoid too many bright colors, animation, and long homepages. Instead, I focused on 

  • Clean yet bold colors 

  • Use of simple but fascinating animations 

  • A short home page focused on all the essential stuff. 

Color Scheme 

Nicole was a cool person that is heavy on being a haven for women and being the voice that discussed women-specific topics through vision. Therefore, women has to see her as someone they can trust. 

I decided to go with a blue color scheme because, in Color Psychology, Blue communicates trust, calmness, and reliability. Nicole writes women's fiction and also has a calm aura around her; it was only perfect to represent that with a soothing color that can spring up emotions of trust in viewers. I played around with different shades of blue to create a sharp contrast between the background and elements. 

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Since it is a personal website and Nicole is also a writer, there was a need for clear, legible, and straightforward typography that communicates stability and simplicity. Poppins was the perfect match because 

  • Its geometric shapes signify stability and perfection.

  • Its legibility establishes Nicole’s career path as a writer 

  • It is a popular font used for content-heavy websites 

I stuck with Poppins as the headings and body font because varying sizes establish a clear difference, and there wasn’t a need to bring in another font, considering that Nicole also desired a minimalist approach.  

Client Training 

We created a detailed guide that explains everything the client needs to know about her website and how to make adjustments to any part of the website. She could also contact me if there were issues. Nicole got the hang of things quickly, and making changes on the backend of the website wasn’t a problem. 

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Want Something Similar? Check Out Our Templates 

You don’t have to have a boring website because you are a writer; we’ve painstakingly designed industry-specific templates that will make your website stand out. These templates were built with conversion and visibility in mind. You can have a professional website ready in no time. All you need to do is to purchase and swipe the demo content for yours. It is that easy! 

The template comes with a guide that tells you everything you need to know about using the template and setting up your website. If you don’t want to set it up yourself, we can do that for you. 

What are you waiting for? Shop now and create a professional and stunning website for yourself or your business. 

If you want a more personalized website, you should work hand-in-hand with a web designer who understands your website visions, even beyond your explanation, and can come up with a unique website that sets you apart. I am ready to help you in the journey of creating a mind-blowing and functional website from your imagination. You have my full attention. 

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You Can Get Your Custom Website Too! 

Nothing should stop you from having a professional and well-designed website as a writer, not even the lack of website design skills. All you need is to purchase a template in our shop or hire us to help you along the way.