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Custom Squarespace website Design for Public relations agency

Public Relations Agencies are the bridge between a business and the public perspective. They are responsible for creating a positive experience or outlook about a brand. 

As a Public Relations Agency, there is a need to have a stunning website that speaks for you even before a visitor interacts with your materials and past work. Having a well-designed website shows that you know what you’re doing and will be capable of handling the client’s project. 

However, there is also a need to show your uniqueness and highlight professionalism and credibility. The surest way to achieve this is by working closely with an experienced web designer who can walk you through the process, understand your website needs, and create a stunning website that stands out and brings in your target audience. 

Looking for a custom website design for your business? Explore our Squarespace Web Design packages for a stunning website. Need to enhance your site's visibility? Our Squarespace SEO services are here to assist you. Curious about our work? Take a look at our Squarespace website designer portfolio for some inspiration!

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I worked with Kate Tatem and Karissa Fowler on their PR Agency website, and it was a great experience all along. They were experts in their field, and their past works showed it. If you want to get insight into how I work and what to expect, read along. 

Client Overview 

Kate and Karissa are two unique individuals, full of energy and exciting backgrounds. Kate started her PR career working for non-profit and restaurant PR before finally niching down to beauty and luxury brands. She enjoys outdoor events and time with family. Karissa's career started in retail at Nordstrom, and since then has been taking up big PR jobs in the travel and beauty industry. She is a lovely mother who enjoys quality time with her family. 


Kate and Karissa needed a website that represented that brand and stated what they do clearly. They specialize in beauty and luxury brands and have successful past works. However, there was still a need to have a website that serves as a place where prospects can get to know them, interact with their past works, and book appointments. Not just any website, but one with a luxury feel. 

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Gathering Information 

After interacting with these two individuals, I realized they wanted a stunning website that is modern and has a luxury feel to it. That was not surprising since they work in the beauty industry. Therefore, the website must be 

  • Modern and simple 

  • It must have a luxury feel to it; therefore, it has to be sophisticated and clean 

  • Has to highlight their past projects and achievements 

Having this knowledge gave me a picture of how the website will look. It must have a modern look and feel luxurious. Therefore, there won’t be a need for a lot of distracting background; instead, the focus will be on the typography, choice of images, and page layout. 

Competitors Analysis 

There are a lot of PR Agency websites around, but a few are the best-performing websites. Therefore, I conducted competitor analysis on PR Agencies based in California and others around the world. Some of the information I gathered is as follows;

  • Aesthetics are poor: Most PR agency websites do not look stunning, and the content is not well formatted for a compelling storytelling trend

  • Too many pages on the menu: No use of drop-down sub-menu pages, etc

  • Great use of keywords 

  • Optimized service pages 

The competitors' analysis informed me about the strengths and weaknesses of these competitors and how to use them to my advantage. If Tatem Flower is to stand out, we must do something different. The website has to communicate class, luxury, and certainty. 

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The Process


Beyond the classic layout, we strive to create a unique layout that tells a story and communicates luxury at every scroll. Therefore, the home page had a modern feel to it, with enough whitespace to let the copy shine. Also, we customised the cursor to reiterate the brands further and took a different approach to the CTA buttons. They were circles instead of the standard square. 

We designed each page’s layout with storytelling in mind. The project page comes with enough pictures and copies to conceptualise their credibility and achievement.

Color Scheme 

We went for a luxury color palette to create a warm, sophisticated feeling. We also ensured that we stick to fewer colors to avoid any distractions. Irrespective of the colors, we established a clear contrast between the background and elements for accessibility and legibility. 


Tatem Fowler offered more than one service. Therefore, we created a Service page that highlights these services with a Contact Us call to action button. A project page was also needed to highlight their past works and achievements. Finally, we also designed an about and contact page for further communication. A blog page was not needed at the moment because Kate and Karissa were not yet ready to take that step. 


Calvino Grande served as the Heading font because of its clean, luxurious feel. Calvino Grande is perfect for luxury and beauty brands and can shine through without drawing too much attention or losing its formality. PT Sans was the body text, and we decided to go with this font because of its legibility and its geometric pattern. Aktiv Grostesk is the last font, and we used it sparingly, mainly for numbers or more minor headings. These three fonts complement each other and are perfect for a luxury or beauty brand. 

The Final Look 

After the tedious design process, we came up with the final look for Tatem Fowler, and it was simple, stunning, and luxurious. Kate and Karissa loved the work and got nice compliments.

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If You Want To Build Something Similar, We've Got You!

Are you a PR person looking to build a personal website for yourself or an agency? If yes, then you have nothing to worry about! There are tons of PR templates in our shop that come at an affordable price. They are simple to install and come with a manual that guides you through the process. All you need to do is to add your copies and images. Also, we can install these templates for you if you don’t want to go through the stress. Shop Squarespace Templates

Want a Custom Website Design Instead? 

You may have specific website features that no templates can fulfill. You may want a website that stands out and has specific features. Then, consider getting a custom website created for you by a professional Squarespace web designer. 

After more than five years of experience and working for various clients such as Tatem Fowler, I can work with you to bring your dream website into reality. We will organize meetings that won’t take much of your time and bring you along the process. If that sounds cool, then contact me.