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Flodesk Vs. Convertkit: Choosing the Right Email Marketing Tool for Your Business.

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There are two leading email marketing platforms perfect for your email growth: Flodesk and Convertkit. Although both offer similar features as email marketing platforms, they also differ in some key features, and each is generally better for a particular type of business and goals.

Therefore, in this article, we'll be taking a deep look into both platforms, comparing their features, and determining which is perfect for your email marketing strategy. So, if you're ready to subscribe to the right platform and take your email marketing efforts to the next level, keep reading.

Flodesk Vs. Convertkit: Pros & Cons

Flodesk and Convertkit have unique pros and cons, and we are about to find out.

Flodesk Pro

  • User-friendly interface

  • Beautiful email templates

  • Unlimited subscribers and email sends for a flat rate per month

  • Integration with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify

  • Advanced automation workflow and visual automation builder

  • Advanced analytics and reports

  • Ability to use custom fonts

Flodesk Cons

  • Limited integrations with third-party apps

  • Limited customization options for forms

  • No free plan

  • No phone or live chat support

Convertkit Pros

  • More customization options for landing pages

  • Integration with over 100 third-party apps

  • Free plan available for up to 1000 subscribers

Convertkit Cons

  • Limited design options

  • Limited email templates and customization options

  • Limited analytics compared with Flodesk

flodesk vs convertkit: Dashboard

Starting with the dashboard, both email marketing software has dashboards displaying different information. When you log in to the Flodesk dashboard, you see the latest emails you've sent, which is excellent for getting a quick overview of your progress. At the end of the spectrum, Convertkit welcomes you with your email analytics and gives you a brief overview of your emails' performance.

Each email marketing platform takes a different approach, but that doesn't make one dashboard better than the other. You can still get roughly the same amount of information on the dashboards.

flodesk vs convertkit: Email Editor

The email editor is the basic feature of any email marketing software because it determines the amount of freedom you have in writing, customizing, and sending your emails.

Convertkit has a basic email editor that looks more like a word-processing interface. There are a few email template options that favor simplicity over style. The email editor doesn't allow much customization; you can only change your font, text size, and color. Convertkit chose this path because they focus on the most important task: sending emails. Any other customizations you'll like to make to your email editor have to be through custom code.

On the other hand, Flodesk comes with much more email template options and allows more customization freedom. You can customize your emails based on the pre-made templates you choose or design from scratch. You can edit colors to fit your brand and add custom fonts and layouts. You can add images, files, countdown timers, and more on your Flodesk email editor. It functions as a drag-and-drop interface editor, so there's nothing to worry about.

Who wins this round? Flodesk

flodesk vs convertkit: Forms & Landing Page

Both platforms offer great form styles and landing pages. You can create landing pages on both platforms without hassle. However, when it comes to form styles, Flodesk offers more design templates, including inline forms, popup forms, and the like. Also, it is easier to add forms on Flodesk.

However, where Convertkit takes the limelight is its landing pages. There is no argument that Convertkit offers more landing page templates when compared with Flodesk, and it also allows you to set up custom domains to house your landing pages, which is one feature that Flodesk doesn't support. Also, you can easily integrate your own landing page builder, pages or sales funnel with your Facebook Pixels to track conversions and traffics.

You can also track your conversion rate on Flodesk using Zapier, a third-party app.

Overall, both platforms offer great landing pages and form options. While Flodesk takes the limelight in forms, Convertkit didn't sacrifice its landing pages.

Who wins this round? It is a tie.

flodesk vs convertkit: Audience Management & Segmentation

The two email marketing platforms did a great job in audience management compared to other email marketing providers.

Both Flodesk and Convertkit allow audience segmentations, which means you can create segments instead of making an endless list. In other words, the picture has one big wardrobe with different compartments. However, Flodesk automatically applies tags to your subscribers depending on their actions. On Convertkit's platform, you can automatically or manually add tags to your subscribers.

Who wins this round? Convertkit wins.

flodesk vs convertkit: Automation & Sequence

Automation and email Sequence can help you build a robust email strategy for various audience segments, making managing your emails and customer journey easy.

Flodesk and Convertkit offer to create automated sequences based on the event and trigger actions. For example, you can easily set a series of events that will trigger specific actions. For instance, if a subscriber clicks a particular link, then specific automated emails will be sent to the subscriber's emails at specific time intervals.

Setting up automation on both platforms is pretty straightforward. You can choose from various automation templates that make the whole process easy or build from scratch. Convertkit allows you to automatically create sequence all in one place and then add it to your automation. Flodesk also does a similar thing. Therefore the automation builder of both platforms is similar.

However, Convertkit happens to offer more advanced features when compared with Flodesk. You can add more events, triggers, and actions when creating automation, and this can be an advantage when you have a large audience. Also, you get to set as many conditions as you want on Flodesk.

Who wins this round? Convertkit

flodesk vs convertkit: A/B Testing

A/B testing is essential in marketing and growth because it allows you to compare emails or approaches to find the most converting or promising one. Although both platforms don't have robust A/B testing features, Convertkit did better.

Convertkit offers A/B testing on subject lines to find out the most converting. This is an excellent addition because subject lines determine whether your subscriber will open your email.

In contrast, Flodesk doesn't come with any A/B testing, so you cannot readily find out the best email, subject line, lines, body, or text to choose from. Regardless, if A/B testing is one of your goals, Convertkit offers more options.

Who wins this round? Convertkit

flodesk vs convertkit: Integrations

At some point, you may need extra email marketing services that only third-party apps will provide. Therefore it is important to go for n email marketing platform that integrates with other third-party apps.

Flodesk performs poorly in this section, as it only has native integration only with Zapier and Shopify. Considering that Zapier can allow you to connect with other third-party apps, it is fair enough.

On the other hand, Convertkit allows native integrations with more than 90 third-party apps, so there are plenty of options to choose from. Since Flodesk is still growing, new apps will likely be added.

If integrating with other apps is your goal, you settle for Convertkit or go through Zapier for any feature you want.

Instagram Integration

Both Flodesk and Convertkit allow you to integrate Instagram with your email, which is super cool. However, they take a different approach to doing this. Flodesk enables you to embed your Instagram feed in your emails without hassle. Therefore, subscribers can get a glance at your social media. On the other hand, Convertkit allows you to pull images from your Instagram feed which may look more concise. Overall, the approach may be different, but they enable basic integration, and Flodesk users don't have any complaints.

Who wins this round? Convertkit

flodesk vs convertkit: Custom Code

There are instances when you need to add extra features that only custom codes can bring to reality. Therefore an email marketing platform having an option to add custom code can be an advantage.

Unfortunately, Flodesk doesn't support custom codes based on the information in one of their support articles. It says codes can negatively affect your email services' style and smooth running. However, Flodesk doesn't require code because it offers customization options.

On the other hand, Convertkit offers HTML and CSS code customizations, which is not a surprise because of the little customization freedom you get on their editor. You can add extra features to your email or alter the styling with codes. Although this may not be a special email marketing service, it is worth knowing that you get advanced customization options.

flodesk vs convertkit: Monetization

Monetizing your email lists can be another source of revenue if done well, and subscribers are willing to pay for good content. Both email software allows you to monetize your email marketing lists; you get to sell digital products and build sales funnels and landing pages. Flodesk Checkout is a monetizing solution to help you launch sales pages, sell digital products such as online courses, and make good returns.

Convertkit email service provider does the same, but it has some advanced features, such as creating a paid newsletter referral system and selling digital products.

Who is the winner? It is a tie. It depends on your own business goals and how comfortable you navigate these monetization options. However, Convertkit offers more monetization options when compared with Flodesk.

flodesk vs convertkit: Reports & Analytics

Having robust analytics that tells you how your emails are performing is mandatory. The more advanced and explanatory the reports and analytics are, the better insight and growth ideas you get for your email marketing. Both Flowdesk and Convertkit offer analytics reports on different things.


On Flodesk, understanding your reports is easy, thanks to the stunning insights and visual representation of each analytics.

You get insight into just how many subscribers on your list has been growing over time. Have there been a sharp decrease or increase? A bar chart also shows where your subscribers are coming from, maybe from your forms, landing pages, checkouts, etc. This is an excellent feature because you can quickly know which pay is well-optimized and performing well.

Flodesk also gives you insight into the days that your email performs well to leverage it and send more emails during that time and day. If you want to reward your customers for their loyalty, Flodesk allows you to find your ten best engaging customers and their open rates.

Another important analytics Flodesk offer is which workflow, sequence, or automation is performing better and what is the average conversion rates of your checkout. This makes it easy to track how your sales pages are performing.


Convertkit automatically calculates your email list growth, similar to Flodesk, and presents it in visuals. You can see your emails' open rates and click-through rates against each subscriber. For A/B testing, you can find out how each email with different subject lines performed, which is an added advantage compared to Flodesk.

Convertkit also offers personalized data for individual subscribers so that you can find out their open rates and activities around your mail.

Both email marketing platforms offer similar analytics insights. Still, Flodesk has a more visually appealing analytics dashboard and slightly provides more helpful insight that will be of help to any small online business or creator.

However, you can access a few advanced analytics on the Convertkit creator plan, especially on deliverability and sales pages.

Who wins this round? It is a tie. Both Flodesk and Convertkit have similar analytics features, but Flodesk has a visual advantage and provides some more useful insights for beginners.

flodesk vs convertkit: Affiliate Program

If you love any email platform and want to refer it to more people, there is nothing to worry about. Flodesk offers a flat rate commission of $19 for every subscriber using your referral link. Although this isn't an attractive offer, it is worth something.

On the other hand, Convertkit offers a 30% commission on all payments of the people who use your referral. In other words, you'll get a 30% commission on monthly subscriptions. Cool right?! This is a more attractive affiliate program and the best one to choose if you want to make more money.

flodesk vs convertkit: Customer Support

Flodesk offers email support that gets replies within a few hours and a Facebook group run by Flodesk employees. The response time on Facebook is usually within a day or earlier. The last support you get with Flodesk is their help center which contains answers to previously asked questions. Generally, many users have left positive comments about Flodesk customer support, so it must be worth it.

On the other hand, Convertkit also offers email support, an in-app chat, and a Facebook group. However, Convertkit customer support has received mixed reviews, but putting into consideration that they are still on their way to perfection.

Both Flodesk and Convertkit offer similar customer support and have a short response time, so it is a tie.

flodesk vs convertkit: Pricing Plans


Convertkit has three plans: free, creator, and creator pro.

Free plan

Convertkit's free plan allows you to start an email list without a budget. You get access to

  • Growing your list to 1000 subscribers

  • unlimited landing pages: create as many landing pages as your heart desires

  • Unlimited broadcasts

  • Audience tagging and segmentation

  • Community support

Convertkit's free plan is one of its significant advantages, especially for any small business owner just starting email marketing. However, it doesn't have automation features, so you'd have to create and send your email manually.

Creator's Plan - $9/month (billed annually)

  • all free plan features

  • Free migration tools: You can connect seamlessly and transport your data from other platforms easily

  • Automated email sequences

  • Visual automation builder

  • Third-party integrations

  • One additional contributor

Creator Pro Plan - $25/month (billed annually)

  • all creator plan features

  • newsletter referral system

  • subscribers scoring

  • advanced analytics

Convertkit's pricing plans are not flat rate, which means the higher the number of subscribers, the higher the monthly payment. There is roughly a 20% increase per thousand subscribers.


Flodesk doesn't offer a free plan, but you get a 30-day free trial to test it out. It comes with three plans; Email, Checkout, and Everything

Email Plan - $35/month (billed annually)

  • Unlimited subscribers

  • many pre-designed templates

  • Free integrations

  • Hosting

  • Analytics

  • Workflow automation

  • Landing page and forms

  • Segments

Checkout - $35/month (billed annually)

The checkout plan only allows you to sell digital products on the platform. In other words, you can access any email tool. It is purely for selling products. Some of the features are

  • Sales and checkout pages

  • Upsells and online payments

  • Transactions and customers

  • Instant Deliveries and analytics

Everything - $59/month (billed annually)

The Everything plan gives you access to email tools and sales and e-commerce tools. It combines both the email and the checkout plan features.

Who wins this round? Flodesk. Flodesk offers a flat rate for unlimited subscribers, which is big in email marketing. You won't have to worry about paying a ridiculous amount as your subscribers grow. Also, their plans are intuitive because email marketers not interested in selling products can quickly get a cheaper plan.

flodesk vs convertkit: Final Verdict: Which One is the Better Email Marketing Platform?

After comparing two popular email marketing platforms, you'll agree that both offer awesome features and excellent customer support. However, your business's perfect email marketing platform depends on your needs. If we were to give a definite winner, it would be Convvertkit because of its advanced features, integrations, and automation builder. However, it falls short in customizations and design.

Cnvertkit isn't the pretty email builder that will give you access to all customizations, but it gets the job done effectively. You can access A/B testing, robust analytics, sales pages, landing pages, and an excellent automation builder.

Flodesk, on the other hand, takes into account aesthetics and comes with more stunning email templates and layouts to create branded emails. Its features are easy to use and robust for your email growth.

If you are a beginner with no budget, you can use the Convertkit free plan and get acquainted with the email marketing world. Its advanced features also make it perfect for hardcore marketers. However, Convertkit can get more expensive as your subscribers' grow.

Flodesk is perfect for small business owners in the creative field who want a stunning email builder and sound features for growing the business.

I hope you can finally decide on the email marketing platform to choose. Cheers!