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10 Professional Web Design Contract Templates to Protect your business

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One of the worst things that can happen to any web developer is working so hard on a client's project just to be bombarded by nonpayment issues, overwhelming corrections, intellectual property rights infringements, and a toxic work relationship.

After so much dedication, that is the last thing that should happen, and the only way you ensure that your rights, interests, and payment terms stay protected is through a web design contract. Therefore, having a web design contract as a web designer is a non-negotiable requirement for a stress-free job and long-term business development services.

Web Design Contracts are legal documents that serve as a binding agreement between you and your client on the project scope, terms and conditions, payment terms, and other legal documentation that protects your work, payment rights, and work relationship. It can be rightfully used in court if there is a need for any legal issues.

Web Design Contract Templates

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1.Website Designer Contract Template

It is all sunshine and roses when the client comes on board, but it can quickly become a pain in the ass when they stop replying to calls, delaying payment for milestones, or asking for a lot of design tweaks. Ensure you protect your time and energy while keeping your client's interest in mind with a well-designed Website Designer Contract template.

It was attorney-prepared and approved by two other attorneys. Therefore, it contains all the necessary information for a smooth work relationship with your client.

It outlines the services you will provide and the expected outcome. A payment plan including the method is highlighted, and a confidentiality clause to protect the interest of your client, intellectual property rights, and other legal terms are included.

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2. Terms & Conditions & Privacy Policy for Your Website

You will find this helpful if you run a web design agency or are responsible for designing a copy of your client's website. Many website users constantly worry about their information being used on the dark web or getting sensitive information like credit cards and medical history stolen.

A good website will assure its audience that they can trust the website and their details are safe with the terms and conditions & Privacy Policy for your website. This template contains all the necessary jargon for protecting the website, and you can tweak it to match your website niche.

What is even better is that it is GDPR and caCPR-compliant. Therefore, you have nothing to worry about.

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3. Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy Bundle

As a web designer, you'll have to design different websites if you've not niched down, and if you are responsible for the copy, you need to have the terms & Conditions tailored for various websites. The bundle eliminates the need to tweak your terms and conditions every 5 minutes to fit your new design.

You have access to terms and conditions for

  • For your personal website: this is great for a general website, such as a blog. It explains what information you are collecting and how you process and use it.

  • Ecommerce Store: You also get terms & conditions for ecommerce stores. It contains the necessary jargon and essential aspects specific to the ecommerce industry. This template comes with an additional copy to cover the physical part of your product, including the refund policy, promotions, erroneous product descriptions, etc.

  • Online Courses: If you have a client that sells digital products, such as online courses, this will go a long way. It comes with the necessary disclaimer protecting the paid courses from being shared on free platforms, intellectual property, refunds, etc.

  • Blogger Disclaimer: This contains a set of disclaimers to use on different parts of your blogs, including affiliate disclaimers, promotions, etc.

  • GDPR Checklist: As a bonus, the template also comes with a GDPR checklist to ensure your website is compliant with the necessary regulations

This is a massive contract bundle that can make work easy and stress-free.

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4. Blogger Disclaimer Template

Blogger Disclaimer alerts are important for blogs of different kinds. It helps alert your readers that what they are about to read is either affiliated or is a sponsored post to avoid unnecessary drama. Also, it is a way of showing your audience you care about them. This blogger disclaimer template comes with an affiliate disclaimer, which is vital for any blog that runs an affiliate program and an earning disclaimer.

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5. VIP Day Contract Template

A VIP Day is one of the web design services that has proven to be effective over the years, and it is basically dedicating the whole day to your client to work on their project and other necessary services. It differs from other services you offer as a web developer; therefore, it must also attract its own set of terms and conditions to avoid any entitlement from your client's end.

As usual, we have you covered. This is a well-designed VIP Day Contract Template that considers everything you need to get your client on the same page as you.

It includes an outline of the services you provide for the VIP day, the terms and conditions that govern these services, everything you need to know or have from your client before the VIP day, and the time duration for the client to get them across to you. It also outlines the explicit terms of your availability and the expected results after the day. A payment plan, late fee clause, confidentiality clause to protect your trade secrets, and intellectual property rights are also included.

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6. Refund Recon™

Refunds are a dreaded topic for many web designers and business owners. Nobody wants to lose money, and stating that there is a refund policy for our product makes us believe that people will use it to their advantage. Fortunately, all these are false scenarios. Refunds are a marketing tool that effectively builds trust with your customers and convinces them that your product is worth buying since there is a clear refund policy.

However, including a refund policy is only part of it; your policy must be clear-cut and tailored to your audience to understand swiftly. The Refund Recon comes with a lot of packages, such as

  • A workshop: This takes you through the need for a refund policy and why it is an essential asset for your business

  • Product Guarantee Template: The Guarantee template assures buyers of what to expect from your products. This is super important for sites that sell physical or digital products.

  • Refund Policy Template, and

  • Bonuses include a Request form, Refund Procedure Checklist, Refund Request Tracking Sheet, and Affidavit for Digital Returns.

related article: 21+ Contract Templates For Freelancers (Designers, Consultants, And Entrepreneurs)
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7. Graphic & Web Designer Bundle

If you are a web designer who duos as a graphic designer and works on many web design projects, or you run your web design agency, you need a contract for both graphics and web designs. Rather than purchase separately, you can buy the bundle that covers everything you need for a perfect website design agreement between your web developers and clients. The package comes with

  • A detailed Graphic Design contract: For graphic design projects or web designs that also include a graphic design aspect

  • A Web Designer Contract Template

  • Independent Contractor Template: For the other freelancers or contractors you hire, such as Virtual assistants, photo editors, other web designers, etc.

  • GDPR COMPLIANT Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy Template

  • Non-Disclosure Agreement

This perfect template eliminates fear and makes contract signing easy and seamless for you and your team.

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8. Independent Contractor Contract Template

Sometimes, you cannot find the perfect contract for the type of service you offer or the freelancers you are about to hire; this template solves the problem. It is a freestyle contract template that is perfect for various innovators and creatives, including web developers, VAs, Photo editors, Content Writers, etc. It comes with the basic outline of a significant contract. You can access a service outline, payment terms, late fee clause, and other legal jargon. It also comes with an instructional manual to customize it to your taste.

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9. Affiliate Program Terms

Are you running an affiliate program as a web designer, or has your client requested one? If yes, then you need a good affiliate program terms contract that outlines the services required from the affiliates, the terms and conditions surrounding your products, and the payment plan they should look out for. You don't want anyone stealing your brainchild or not being effective as an affiliate.

It brings you and your affiliates to the same terms and gives you legal backing in case of incidents.

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10. Terms & Conditions & Privacy Policy for Online Courses & Digital Products

Last, our Terms & Conditions for Online courses and digital products. These products are different from physical products and have their own rules. For example, you must protect your intellectual property and ensure it isn't being shared for free on other platforms. This template covers your refund policy, protection against shared passwords, earning disclaimer, etc. 

What is a web design contract?

A web Design Contract, also known as a Web Development Contract, is a legal document that protects the interests of both parties by clearly outlining everything that needs to be carried out and adheres to for a successful work relationship. The document outlines the project details, the responsibility of each party, payment schedule and payment terms, termination clause if need be, and other legal provisions.

Web Development Contracts come in various types, including an independent contractor template, a non-disclosure agreement that protects confidential information, a non-compete agreement, etc. Therefore, depending on your needs, feel free to purchase any web design contract templates.

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Why You Need A Website Design Contract?

Whether you are an independent contractor/freelance web designer offering web design services or you run a large web design agency, having a Website Design Contract handy is a requirement that you should consider. Here are some valid reasons that you shouldn't overlook

Eliminates Extra Work: As a web designer, I had my share of clients adding extra revisions and corrections that were never captured in the project description when the deadline was pretty close. This can derail your own plan as a designer and frustrate you, especially if the client threatens not to make payments. A website development contract is the only way to ensure that both parties understand the Project Details and expected deliverables.

Bring Both Parties On A Common Ground: A website design contract lets both parties understand every detail of the project, such as the services to be provided, payment method and terms, what happens if there are late payments, terms and conditions, and the other necessary details. If any parties involved are unsatisfied with a condition, they can decide whether the conditions can be manoeuvred or terminated.

Brands Your Business: Clients tend to trust businesses with a healthy brand and apparent authority. One way to create an excellent first impression and win your client's trust is through web design contracts. It assures the client that you know what you are doing and that they are in safe hands.

What Should You Include In A Web Design Agreement Template?

A great web design agreement template must be well-designed and contain some basic sections to make it effective. Therefore, when purchasing any agreement template, check out these sections. However, you won't have to worry about that because an attorney approved every template listed above and revised it by another attorney for accuracy and professionalism.

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Crucial Parts Of A Web Development Contract Template

Introductory Statment: A good web development contract must include the parties involved, their full names, phone numbers, email addresses, and other information. It also needs to be appropriately dated.

Project Scope: It must give concise details fo the project both parties are partnering on. It must define what the project is about and what is expected at the end of the project. It must clearly outline the number of deliverables and the necessary steps to achieve the outcome. Doing this will prevent the client from assuming responsibilities and adding unnecessary work to the project.

Also, ensure to clear all doubts and assumptions from your client by listing the expected outcome/deliverables and pathways for achievement. For example, if you won't be offering UX Writing as part of the project scope, ensure you clearly state that because the client may have assumptions, you'll be responsible for the copy and CTA statements.

Payment Condition: The next important section is all about payment. Please clearly outline the payment details and terms. You have to

  • State whether the payment is based on milestones or complete project completion

  • If based on milestones, outline the percentage of each deposition and when it has to be paid.

  • Outline additional costs depending on the project details. If you are charging your clients for subscriptions, travel, etc., ensure it is clearly outlined.

  • Include your acceptable payment methods. Do you use Paypal, Stripe, etc

  • You should also include late payment, nonpayment, and incomplete payment clauses.

Feedback and Revisions:

  1. Outline how many revision rounds the project comes with, when the client will give feedback, and at what specific points.

  2. State the necessary days required for a response from the client and the penalty for replying late, which can be a readjustment of the original completion date.

  3. Do not leave any stone unturned in this section; ensure both you and your client are on the same ground.

Termination: There should be a termination that covers what happens in case one of the parties decides to terminate the project and the precise conditions that may support this action. Essential things like refund plans, work progress completion, and legal expenses, like if a lawsuit may be warranted, should be clearly stated.

Confidentiality: There must be a section that addresses what happens to the confidential information shared between both client and service provider. Adding a non-disclosure agreement section will give your client peace of mind and protect your interests. Also, if the client decides on a separate non-disclosure agreement contract, it is fine so long it falls under the jurisdiction of the working terms and conditions.

Intellectual property Rights: You and your client must agree on who owns the work after the project's completion. In web designs, the clients usually own the work after completion, which should be clearly stated.

Warranties: If you are offering warranties for the services provided, then it should be clearly stated the requirements that they must meet to activate the warranty policy. For example, you may provide a two to three months warranty that is activated if there is a malfunction in the website due to the design or programming. However, you won't be responsible for any damage coverage if the fault comes from hacking or personal mistakes.

Force Majeure: Another section worthy of inclusion is a force majeure. It covers unforeseen circumstances that may prevent the completion of the work due to death, a global pandemic, etc.

Signatures: Last but not least is the most important section that makes the contract template relevant: the signatures. The two parties must sign to validate the web design contract template.

Protect Your Services With A Web Design Contract Template

Let your work relationship be seamless and stress-free with a professionally designed web design contract template with the necessary sections. Purchasing one of these templates will save you the stress of doing it yourself and give you immunity against clients' tricks.

What are you waiting for? Purchase your web design contract right now! Cheers!