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squarespace video: ways to use video on your website

Lights, Camera, Action:Videos are lifesavers in most cases and find uses in different areas of our business. An ideal way of offering your courses is through videos; they can be used as a section of background to capture your visitors’ attention or, even better, connect with your audience. So, knowing how to incorporate videos on your website and business is a non-negotiable skill.

It becomes easier if you are using the Squarespace website builder! Squarespace has everything you might need to incorporate videos into your website and elevate your website’s aesthetics. So, if you are wondering how to add videos to your website, keep reading. We covered all types of videos allowed on Squarespace and how to go about them.

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Why You Need To Leverage Video on Your Website

Videos have proven more effective in connecting to your target audience than static text. It allows your visitor to get more insight into what you offer and what your brand is all about. If done right, it can reach across to more audience, and establish a connection with your visitors. 

In addition, it can also contribute to your website’s ranks if done well. Adding effective keywords and robust video descriptions makes your website more search-engine friendly. Apart from the ranks, using videos sets your website apart from competitors and gets your message across more smoothly and effectively. 

Videos such as GIFs and background videos also add to the aesthetics of your website and retain your visitor’s attention span. Lastly, as a course instructor, you’ll agree that it is non-negotiable to use video content. 

Two Ways To Add Videos On Squarespace 

No matter the type of video you are adding and where you will be adding them, there are two major ways you can go about it. These two ways also have their strongest points and the scenarios you ought to use them. 

Option One: Add Video Blocks 

Squarespace operates by blocks and sections. Blocks are simple drag-and-drop mini sections that allow you to add content to your website. So, you have the form block, video block, audio block, text block, etc., on Squarespace. 

Another thing to know about blocks is that they can be added to any part of your website and on any page. In other words, Squarespace has a video block that allows you to add a video to any section of your pages without hassle. 

The Video blocks work best if you have the video saved on your laptop, but a video won’t work if you are uploading from a third party. Instead, you will have to use the next option. 

Option Two: Embed Videos 

Embedding videos are for videos already uploaded on a third-party app such as YouTube. Squarespace gives you the option to copy the URL from the third-party app, embed it, and it directly displays on your Squarespace website. However, adding these videos and how it is displayed depends on the third-party app. You can also take advantage of the embed code option on Squarespace to add extra customizations to your videos, such as advanced playback, etc. Regarding the supported third-party app, you can add videos from most platforms supporting Squarespace. Still, the certain platforms that Squarespace also support are YouTube, Vimeo, Animoto, Wistia, etc. 

Now that you know the two major ways you can add videos on Squarespace, let’s move on to the types of videos you can add and how to go about them.  

Video Types & How To Use Them

Adding Videos To Sections

Squarespace allows you to add videos to your pages wherever required. So, you can add a personal video to your home page or any other part of your page. 

Using videos on your website allows your brand to connect better with visitors and gives them more avenues to experience and know your brand. So, if you want to add videos to any section of your website, there are two ways to go about it. 

You can either make use of a 

  • Video Block 

  • Gallery Block 

The major difference between a video and a gallery block is that a video block only allows you to add one video per block. In other words, you’ll have to duplicate the block or create another block to add videos. This is useful if you want to add one video to a part of your page. 

Gallery block, on the other hand, allows you to display multiple videos in different formats such as grid, carousel, stack or slideshow. This is super important if you have more than one videos you want your visitors to see. Your visitors can scroll through your video gallery and get the necessary information. 

Gallery Block is more effective because you can mix your videos with static images without the hassle and set your videos on autoplay. In other words, the video automatically starts playing once your visitor scrolls to the page’s section. 

Lastly, you can add gallery blocks to your product, blog, and individual pages. 

How To Add Video Block On A Squarespace Website

The first thing you need to do is to edit a page. Go to the desired page to add a block and click 

Edit in the top left corner. Once you do that

  • Click on the pencil icon on the page to open the block editor.

  • Click on the Video block to add your video. You can either paste a URL or upload it from your computer. 

  • To upload from your computer, click Upload or select from the Library if you’ve previously added the video to a page. 

  • Squarespace allows you to add a custom image for the video or a video caption. So, you can go ahead to do that if needed.

  • Once you are done, save it, and your video will be live.

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Customizing Your Video Settings

You can mute, autoplay, or loop your videos on the settings. You can also customize the player controls and limit certain functions. Lastly, you can add a video description if there is a need. 

Note: Squarespace automatically saves all the videos and photos you upload on the Squarespace library, which makes it easy to reuse videos and photos without having to access your computer’s library. 

How To Add A Gallery Block 

If you want to add multiple videos and want to customize the view, a gallery block is your surest bet. You can add gallery blocks to most pages on Squarespace, such as blogs, product pages, etc. 

To add a gallery block

  • Go to the individual page or post you want to add a gallery block.

  • Edit the page and click on an insert point. 

  • Select the gallery block. Squarespace will display various gallery layouts: slideshow, carousel, stack or grid. 

  • Select your preferred layout, and Squarespace will prompt you to add your media. You get the option to add images or videos to your gallery layout. 

Note that you can add videos in different formats by embedding a code, a URL or uploading from your system. 

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Customizing your gallery block

To customize your gallery block, open the settings, and you will be welcomed with a series of options depending on the layout you choose. 

For slideshow, you can automate transition between each slide, show controls, or automatically crop images. You can also set the description and title display when a visitor hovers over the images. 

The grid layout allows you to add an aspect ratio, padding, or enable lightbox.

You can also add clickthrough urls on your gallery layout and set it to open on the page or another tab. 

Other customizations you have access to are;

  • Adding clickthrough URLs 

  • Add video titles and descriptions 

  • Rearrange videos and images: to move multiple media, click on ctrl and select the media you’ll like to move

  • Remove or delete videos and images. 

Another thing to remember is that Squarespace only allows 250 images or videos uploaded, which can also affect the speed of your site. 

Squarespace Video Pages

Video pages are collection pages where you can add your series of individual videos and add extra information. Just picture it as a blog page that contains individual blog posts, but instead of blogs, you have videos. 

Video pages are perfect for those who offer courses, want to create a portfolio, or list all of their marketing videos. There are various ways you can go about your video pages and many features available to leverage. 

You can embed videos from third-party sites or upload your videos on the video page, and it also comes with a robust grid arrangement of your videos. As you add your videos, it lists them out in a similar manner to blog posts. Each individual video will have a featured image, an excerpt or description and, when clicked, opens up to another page containing the video and any other information. You can also move to the next or previous video from the individual video pages, making it perfect for hosting your video classes. 

How To Add A Video Page

  • Go to your Squarespace dashboard and click on Pages.

  • Click on the + icon, and scroll down to the Collection tab.

  • Under collection, select the Videos page, and choose the layout you want

  • Choose a page title and click enter. Your page is automatically created. Note that you can easily change the layout and page title anytime. 

How To Add A Video on Your Videos Page

  • Head over to the video page panel and select the + icon. 

  • You’ll be welcomed with a menu with an Add a video button. Select that, and you can either upload a video, embed or reuse a previously saved/uploaded video.

  • You can edit the Video setting based on your preferences. 

Editing the Video Setting

There are various customizations you can add under the video settings. 

  • Add a title 

  • Add a customed featured image.

  • Description 

  • Custom URL: This is important if you’ll share the video on different platforms. Ensure that it contains the keyword you want the video to rank for 

  • Related and featured video: You can add related videos or make the video a featured video 

  • Add categories 

  • Set status to published, draft or scheduled.

  • SEO: Ensure you input the SEO keywords into the title and description. 

There are a lot of customizations you can do to individual videos and the video page itself. However, pay attention to your page’s SEO and include the necessary keywords. Also, edit the URL to contain the keyword you want to rank for. 

How To Delete Videos

Deleting videos is super easy on Squarespace. Head over to the video page panel, and select All. Please search for the video you want to delete, hover over it and click delete. Once you delete the video won’t appear on your video page, but it will still be in your asset library. If you want it deleted permanently, you’ll have to head to your asset library to delete it. 

How To Delete Videos on Asset Library

Your asset library contains all the videos and photos you’ve ever used on your site, and these media still remain on your asset library even if you’ve deleted the media from the page it was once added to. Once you delete a media from the asset library is moved to thrash for 30 days before permanently deleting it from your website. 

To delete videos or images on the asset library 

  • Head over to your home menu and select Asset Library. You will see all the images and videos available on your site. 

  • Search for the video or image you want to delete permanently.

  • Check the small box for the image and click on delete

  • Confirm your command and the video will cease on your asset library.

Video pages are one of the most effective ways to add videos to your Squarespace website. It is a collection page dedicated to videos, so you have everything you need, including SEO, to rank the page and reach more audiences. Also, video pages can be portfolio pages if you are a videographer or creative. 

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Squarespace Background Videos

Another way to add videos to Squarespace is through background videos. Background videos are exactly what the name implies; they are added to a page's background, meaning you can add text and other elements on the background. It plays on a continuous loop and doesn’t have a sound. 

Squarespace background videos effectively add an appealing visual look to your site and capture visitors’ attention. You can customize it in different ways to get your desired look. Some of the things you can do with your background video are to set a playback time, add a mobile fallback image that automatically displays if the video cannot load due to poor internet, and add filters. 

Another thing to note is that you can either upload a video or use a YouTube or Vimeo video. It is super easy, and we’ll take a look soon.

Major things to keep in mind when uploading your background video

  • The video shouldn’t be more than 60 seconds for effective display.

  • Ensure you upload a high-resolution video of 1080p and a bitrate of at least 3MP.

  • Use video with a smooth transition and smaller panning. 

  • If you’re using YouTube Videos, ensure you disable overlay ads to avoid the ads from interfering with your background videos. 

  • If you use a third-party video, ensure it is high-quality to avoid the blurry effect.

  • Background videos don’t support embedded codes. 

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Adding A Background Video

  • Click on the Pages Panel

  • Click Edit in the top right corner.

  • Select the pencil icon, and click on Background.

  • Click Video (if you want to add an image background, click Images)

  • Add your video and customize any other video settings: You can add filters, change the playback speed (to make it slower or faster), and add a mobile fallback image. 

  • Once you are done, click on Save 

In place of videos, you can add images as your background media. Also, note that Squarespace will automatically display a solid colour if your video fails to load and you don’t have a mobile fallback image. Therefore, setting a mobile fallback image alongside your background video is important. 

To Add A Mobile Fallback Image

  • Click on Edit on the page you want to add the video background 

  • Select Background, and head over to the videos 

  • You’ll see a Mobile fallback image; add your desired image

  • Click Save. 

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Video Requirements To Consider

Although Squarespace allows you to upload videos on your site, there are also some requirements you have to meet to experience smooth sailing. 

  • Only mp.4, m4v and mov are supported on Squarespace. Considering that most videos are in mp4, you won’t have much of a problem.

  • A video block has a 30-minute limit, so if you exceed the 30-minute limit, you’ll have to pay for a member's Area or more storage. Video pages have a 3 hours limit, and section backgrounds are 60 seconds max. Exceeding any of these limits means you’ll have to pay for more video storage. 

  • The maximum display resolution on Squarespace is 1080p, and the maximum upload resolution is 4k

  • The file size must not exceed 5000MB for video pages and 500MB for video blocks and background sections. 

  • Most video aspect ratios will display, but Squarespace recommends a 16:9 ratio for the best display. 

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When To Use These Video Options

  • Video Blocks: 

    Use video blocks to add a GIF or a short video to a section of your page. For instance, you can use a video block to include a video testimonial on your service page. Also, I’ll generally advise you to have the video saved on your laptop if a third party doesn’t host it. 

  • Video Backgrounds: 

    This is perfect for enhancing the aesthetics of your website. When doing this, ensure a clear contrast between the video and the text or element overlay. Also, making it full bleed gives it a more compelling aura. However, it would be best to remember that the more video backgrounds you include, the slower your site loads. Although adding video backgrounds is aesthetic and can become compelling, limit it to a few. 

  • Video Pages: 

    Video pages are perfect for courses, video portfolios and other lessons. Coaches and instructors make use of this opportunity to host their classes. Besides this, you can create a Video Page members area where people will have to pay to watch these videos. 

If you are embedding a video from third-party apps, ensure you know the app’s rules on embedding videos to avoid any issues. For instance, if you are premiering a video on YouTube, it won’t display on your Squarespace website until the premiere is over. Therefore, knowing what to do will help. Also, to get the full functionalities of your third-party app, you may be required to add some lines of code to customize some features such as size, player sophistication, and so much more. 

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Squarespace Video Maker

Squarespace comes with its native Video Maker called the Video Studio, and it is perfect for creating branded videos for your audience and editing your existing videos. You get access to various templates you can use for your videos and add your logos, pictures, and so much more. 

It comes with different sizes and orientations to create social-specific videos irrespective of the social media you use. You can choose video sizes for instagram stories, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and so much more. 

In addition, you can take advantage of the designed templates rather than hiring a video editor to complete your frames. Everything is easy to do at the tip of your fingers. Also, the videos integrate smoothly with your website, so you have nothing to lose! 

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Wrapping Up 

There you have it, everything you need to know about Squarespace Video Options. With what we’ve discussed, you’ll realize that Squarespace has many robust video options to spice up your website’s aesthetics and give instructors and course creators a chance to monetize their courses. I hope you’ve been able to learn a thing or two about Squarespace Videos!

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